Los alumnos de 6º de Primaria están participando en un proyecto Etwinning junto a Polonia, Turquía, Francia, Eslovaquia y Croacia.

El alumnado de cada país recomienda 10 lugares de interés turístico haciendo presentaciones, maquetas y murales que son compartidas en la plataforma Etwinning.

About the project

The project starts in the second half of September and lasts for 4 months. It ends at the beginning of January. It requires a group of about 5 students. The task is to prepare a poster recommending a worth-visitng place in your country. To prepare them, we need some pictures, information and reasons why it is worth to go there. Then, pictures/photos of posters are to be uploaded on twinspace in order to share them with our partners. There are ten posters planned.


– Recommendation of famous places in students’ countries,

– Learning about history of places mentioned,

– Raising students’ awareness of national heritage of their country,

– Reducing “affective filter” among students,

– Overcoming individual barriers of students related to communication in English.


  1. Students list ten places in their country, which according to them are the most attractive for tourists.
  2. Students are to make two or three posters during one month.
  3. The posters play an advertising role, so some pictures, catchy colours and thought-provoking information should be included.
  4. Students take a picture of every poster prepared.
  5. Students upload the photo on twinspace and share with other participants of the project.


– Recommendation of famous places in students’ countries,

– Learning about history of places mentioned,

– Raising students’ awareness of national heritage of their country,

– Reducing “affective filter” among students,

– Overcoming individual barriers of students related to communication in English.