“Una carta, una sonrisa”

“Una carta, una sonrisa”

El alumnado de 1º, 2º de Primaria y 1º ESO ha participado en la iniciativa “Una carta, una sonrisa “, escribiendo cartas para el alumnado que se encuentra desplazado por la erupción volcánica en La Palma. El pasado sábado docentes del Colegio Mayco, hicieron entrega...
Entrevista a Daniel Serrano

Entrevista a Daniel Serrano

El alumnado de quinto y sexto de Primaria entrevista al periodista Daniel Serrano Nuestro alumnado de los últimos cursos de la etapa de Primaria ha tenido la oportunidad de entrevistar al periodista Daniel Serrano, aprovechando que este trimestre están trabajando la...
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Dear families, 2020 is drawing to a close at last. It has been a year that made huge demands on all of us. The COVID-19 pandemic has gripped the world and stopped it in its tracks, but it will definitely not stop the love, support, and care we have for one another....
The Mayco Post

The Mayco Post

Fourth graders want to present the first edition of “The Mayco Post” with their opinion pieces on zoos. Opinion writing is a fundamental part of the English curriculum, where students are asked to be able to state enough arguments to support their opinion...