Circo en familia

El sábado 18 de febrero celebramos un encuentro con las familias del colegio para mostrarles y explicarles las diferentes actividades que estamos realizando en el taller de Circo. Participaron un buen número de familias, unas 30 personas entre niños y adultos, y todos...

2nd ESO Technology Structures

The students of first and second of ESO working on their technology projects about structures using recycled cardboard. The students have been creating a base on which a teacher will stand on, in order to see if it resists the weight depending on its design.

Calculating the gravity in Physics class

Last week, Saúl, a student from 1st of ESO, designed an experiment. He built a circuit, including an Arduino at Heart module with some infrared radiation sensors, to determine the acceleration due to gravity.  He had to drop a cork between the IR sensors and a LED.  A...